C# class, object, method, constructors, getter, setter, static

class (blueprint)

class is basically just a specification for a new data type, so it use to model real word entities inside of our program.

In other words class is like blueprint for a new data type in our program.

Generally when we create new class, we need to name it with capital letter.


constructors will run every time when the new object is created.


Only code that is contained inside of the Book class can access attribute or method with private modifier.

getter, setter

We can use getter to get private attribute value.

We can use setter to validate user input value whether comply with a standard.


When we create static modifier, we don't need to initialize actual object before using it.

The static attribute setting attribute or method belong to class not object.

class Book
    // attribute
    public string title;
    public string author;
    private int pages;
    public static int bookCount = 0;

    // method
    public bool checkBook() 

    public static void BookName(string name)

    // getter, setter
    public int Pages
        get{ return pages; }
            if (value > 0 || value < 100)
                this.pages = value;

    // constructors
    public Book(string title, string author, string pages)
        this.title = title;
        this.author = author;
        this.pages = pages;

object (actual)

The instance of class.

Each individual objecthave their own attribute value.

Book book1 = new Book();
#C# Note


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